20190216-苹果不再高冷了 Lesson B

20190216-苹果不再高冷了 Lesson B

2019-02-16    00'56''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

141 1

2019.02.16 EMF 苹果不再高冷了 Lesson B   1.模拟第一句: 这个花园、阳台、健身房和游泳池,全部加起来占地500多平方。这相当于五户普通中国家庭的住房面积了。 This garden, balcony, gym and swimming pool together cover more than 500 square meters. That's about the same as five families' apartments for the average Chinese.   2.模拟第二句: 这些人为什么如此有钱呢?有人说,归根到底,还是因为他们掌握着普通人无法触碰的社会和财富资源。这通常是因为教育和背景造就了所谓的“精英阶层”。 So what makes these people so rich?Well,some say, it boils down to no other reason than the fact that they have exclusive access to social and financial resources that average people can't get hold of. And, often it's attributed to the so-called“elite”associated with education and background.   3.模拟第三句: 正是家长的爱和保护损害了孩子们的成长,比如纪律性、独立性、毅力以及创造力。这些都是全社会急迫需要持续培养的核心品质。到头来,就像大多数专家一致认为的那样,孩子们还是需要学会对自己的人生负责,不能每次遇到问题都求助于父母。 lronically, the sheer love and protection of parents have hurt children's development like discipline, independence, perseverance, and creativity,key characters the society desperately needs to keep growing. At the end of the day, most experts agree that children need to learn to be responsible for themselves, and not just turn to their parents every time when there's a problem.