

2019-02-24    00'41''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

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2019.02.24 EMF Turkish Ice Cream Vendors Prank Customers 土耳其冰淇淋小贩们竟捉弄顾客   In Turkey, you'll find crowds of tourists surrounded by ice cream vendors.That's because they serve their ice cream with a ritual, and that ritual is a prank. 在土耳其,你会发现成群的游客被冰淇淋小贩包围。这是因为他们卖冰淇淋是有套路的,套路就是捉弄他们。   Vendors play pranks on buyers,tricking them to reach for the cone as they swiftly move it out of hand’s reach.They jokingly put the entire vat of ice cream on the cone and steal it back,leaving the customer empty-handed. 小贩们捉弄的形式有,骗顾客们自己拿甜筒时快速撤掉甜筒上他们够不着。他们还开玩笑地将整桶冰淇淋都倒进甜筒,然后把甜筒偷回来,让顾客两手空空。   But why do they do this? Pranking customers is a strategy used to attract attention. It's a part of Turkey that tourists just can't miss. While pranks cause laughter it also creates a temptation for the stretchy goodness. 那么他们为什么要这么做?捉弄顾客是他们吸引注意力的一种手段。这是去土耳其旅游的游客不可错过的一部分。捉弄确实引来笑声不断,也同时产生一种诱惑力,让消费者购买这种黏黏的美味。