20190225-为什么他们离婚又复婚Lesson A

20190225-为什么他们离婚又复婚Lesson A

2019-02-25    00'58''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

135 1

2019.02.25 为什么他们离婚又复婚Lesson A   1. It’s a miracle that this happened. This doesn’t happen every day that people get a second chance at true love. 这件事的发生真的是一个奇迹。获得第二次真爱这种事情并不会每天都发生。   2. The fighting, what the kids were witnessing. I just didn’t want it in our lives anymore. The tension in the house could cut it like a knife. We blamed ourselves. We thought that it was because of us. 争吵,孩子们都曾目睹过。我真的不想在我们的生活中再次发生争吵。家里的紧张气氛像一把刀一样能把它切开。我们都责怪自己。我们觉得这些都是我们的错。   3. The whole family was an absolute wreck, but in the wake of the divorce, Lorrie decided to fix the only person she could - herself. She worked hard to build up her self-esteem and got treatment for depression. Meanwhile, across town, her ex-husband Jeff was going through his own reckoning. He sought treatment for alcoholism and turned his life around. 整个家庭完全就是一片废墟。离婚之后,Lorrie 决定修复她所能修复的唯一的那个人——她自己。她努力工作重塑自尊心,接受抑郁症治疗。与此同时,在小镇的另一端,她的前夫 Jeff 也在经历自己的审判。他寻求戒酒治疗,并使生活好转起来。   4. And all this self-improvement had an unintended consequence. Last month, four years after their break-up, Lorrie and Jeff got married. Sometimes we think love is lost, when really it’s just misplaced and waiting to be found. 两人的自我改善带来了无心的结果。上个月,在他们分开4年之后,Lorrie 和 Jeff 结婚了。有时候我们以为爱丢失了,但其实只是被错放了,等待着去被发现。