20190324-Problems with our school system

20190324-Problems with our school system

2019-03-24    01'09''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

53 1

2019.03.24 Problems with our school system 教育不能批量生产   There’s a growing feeling today that something is wrong with our system of education. But what is it? Well, we send our children to school to prepare them for the real world, which is changing very very fast. But our schools haven’t changed much for hundreds of years. 如今,“我们的教育系统出问题了”这一感觉越来越强烈。但问题究竟是什么?我们把孩子送进学校为的是让他们准备好面对现实世界,这一瞬息万变的世界。但是我们的学校千百年来却没有发生多大的变化。   In fact, thought leaders from around the world agree that the current system of education was designed in the industrial age mainly to churn out factory workers. And this industrial age mentality of mass production and mass control still runs deep in schools. 事实上,世界各地的思想领袖们一致认为现今的教育系统设计于工业时期,主要是为了大量生产工厂工人。而大规模生产和控制的工业时期思想依旧在学校内扎根运行。   We educate children by batches and govern their lives by ringing bells. All day long, students do nothing but follow instructions. Sit down, take out your books, turn to page 40, solve problem number 3, stop talking. At school, you’re rewarded for doing exactly what you’re told. But in today’s world, how far can you get by simply following instructions? The modern world values people who can be creative, who can communicate their ideas, and collaborate with others. 我们分批教育孩子,通过铃声来管理孩子的生活。一天下来,学生们除了遵循指示其他什么都不做。坐下,拿出课本,翻到第40页,解答问题3,不许说话。在学校里,你会因为遵循指示而获得奖励。但是在现今世上,仅仅通过遵循指示你能够走多远呢?现代社会推崇有创造力、善于交流想法、懂得与团队协作的人。