20190328-揭秘三文鱼 Lesson B

20190328-揭秘三文鱼 Lesson B

2019-03-28    00'40''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

58 0

2019.03.28 揭秘三文鱼 Lesson B   1.模拟第一句: 那么 iPhone 和其他手机的区别是什么呢?虽然在购买时,其他手机会为你省下不少钱,但是 iPhone 会让你觉得物有所值,不仅仅是外表,更重要的是使用体验。 So what’s the difference between iPhone and other phones? While other phones will certainly save a few bucks at the store, iPhone is going to deliver much more for your buck in terms of not only looks, but more importantly, in user experience.   2.模拟第二句: 《英语麦克风》包含了更好的对于单词、词组、句型的指导,但相较于其他课程的一期需要更少的支出和时间。 English Michael Fun contains better instruction of words, expressions, and sentences, but comes with less cost and time than an equal episode of other courses.   3.模拟第三句: 全球媒体把 5G 称之为生活和商业的颠覆者,这一点不奇怪。拥有闪电般的传输速度,5G 可以彻底提升我们和其他人以及物之间的互动。 Global media named 5G a game changer for both life and business, and it’s no wonder. Packed with lightning speed, 5G helps to fundamentally boost our interaction with the other people and objects.