20190330-猫王前妻公开离婚内幕 Lesson B

20190330-猫王前妻公开离婚内幕 Lesson B

2019-03-30    00'54''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

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2019.03.30 猫王前妻公开离婚内幕 Lesson B   英语卡拉OK:   1. 模拟第一句: 拥有一辆车的好处就是,非常的私人,是你的一个伴侣。你无法自拔地去依赖它。车似乎是万能的,它是你每一次出行的头等舱,它是每一个人的专属包厢。我想说,车连接我们的生活。 One thing about having a car is, it is private. It is the personal companion. You couldn’t help but get attached to it. It seems to have it all. It is every journey’s first class. It’s every booth to every person. I mean, it just connects.   2. 模拟第二句: 一开始,也就随便试试,当然我对这方面是感兴趣的。不过我没有什么期待,因为我不觉得这会改变我。但既然是免费的促销,你懂的,不要白不要。随后半年我就按照要求使用,非常棒,现在我对产品很有信心,真的管用。 First of all, it was just a casual try-out, and of course I was interested. I was not expectant, because I didn’t think it’d ever make me another person. But it was just a free sales promotion, you know, when it’s free, it’s hard to say no. I followed it for half a year, it was wonderful, and now I have a lot of faith in it. It really works.   3. 模拟第三句: 在十年教学后,小麦老师决定不再忍受职场中的无聊和停滞不前。尽管小麦老师辞职了,他仍然像过去一样继续做老师。虽然中间有过一些兼职,但是小麦老师从来没有忘记自己真正的使命。 After 10 years of teaching, Michael decided he would no longer put up with the boredom and stagnation of his career. Even though Michael quit, he remained as a teacher as ever. There were other part-time jobs, but Michael never forgot his true calling.