20190430-开心便便表情的由来 Lesson B

20190430-开心便便表情的由来 Lesson B

2019-04-30    00'52''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

109 2

2019.04.30 开心便便表情的由来 Lesson B   英语卡拉OK   我当时想,精子是什么玩意儿?问这个问题的时候,我感到有点尴尬。不过寝室里有些女生发出呵呵的笑声,她们说,精子就是蝌蚪、细胞,男生有的东西,会让你怀孕。 I’m like what’s a sperm and I was little bit embarrassed to ask that question. But some girls sort of chuckled in the dorm and they’re like, oh it’s a tadpole, it’s a cell, it’s something that boys have that will make you pregnant.   电动汽车的确风靡各地,改变了我们绿色出行的方式,帮助解决了21世纪的典型问题,如何一边开车一边防止全球变暖。 Electric cars did go everywhere, transforming the way we travel green and helping resolve the very 21st century problem of preventing global warming while driving.   小麦老师最喜欢的就是《英语麦克风》是如何成型的。最初小麦老师受到在线教堂服务的启发,同时思考神父和他自己的角色定位。最终小麦老师决定先开始“布道”,而随后要开始设计《英语麦克风》的时候,他粘贴复制了这个模式,并且更新了新的内容,大致就是这个样子。 Michael’s favorite story is how the English Michael Fun came into being. He was really inspired by an online church service. He kind of looked at both the pastor and himself simultaneously and he ended up starting with the “Preaching” first and then when it was time to design the English Michael Fun, he went on to copy/paste it and changed the content and that was pretty much it.