20190503-A Great Watch ( Lesson A)

20190503-A Great Watch ( Lesson A)

2019-05-03    01'19''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

116 0

2019.05.03 一块好表 Lesson A   1. If you'd asked me what makes a great watch, I could give you hundreds of answers. If I have to sum them up into one answer - if it makes you smile every time you look at it. 如果你问我什么是一块好表,我可以给你几百个答案。如果我必须把它们总结成一个答案的话——如果它让你每次看到它都开心就是好手表。   2. A few things. One, the story behind it. I think memories associated with watches are what make them meaningful and important to people. And I think that is what creates this incredible bond that people have formed with these objects. 有几件事。第一,它背后的故事。我认为与手表有关的记忆让它们对人们很有意义,也很重要。我认为这就是人们与这些物品形成这种不可思议的纽带的原因。   3. I think what makes a great watch is not having one thing extra beyond its purpose. If a watch is just supposed to tell time like a great dress watch, there are two hands and a few marks. Because a watch ultimately is both an expression of self but also a tool. 我认为一块好表的关键在于没有超出它用途的额外的东西。如果一只手表只是像一只漂亮的时装表那样看时间用,那么它就有两只指针和一些符号。因为手表最终既是一种自我表达方式,也是一种工具。   4. It’s always execution, execution of design, execution of finishing, manufacturing, but most importantly the execution of the intent. Why are you making it? 好手表要看执行,设计的执行,做工的执行,生产的执行,但最重要的是意图的执行。你为什么要这么做?   5. To me a great watch is all about the connection you have with the watch. A great watch can be a $5 plastic digital watch you get at a drugstore. It's about the feeling you get when you put the watch on, and when you look at it and when it tells you about how you think of yourself and how you want to portray yourself to other people. 对我来说,一块好手表就是你和表之间的联系。一块好的手表可以是你在药店买到的5美元的塑料电子手表。好表是当你戴上手表时的感觉,当你看着它的时候,它展示了你是如何看待自己的,以及你想如何向别人展示自己。