20190504-Great Speaker (Lesson B)

20190504-Great Speaker (Lesson B)

2019-05-04    00'38''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

120 0

2019.05.04 Great Speaker (Lesson B)   如果你问我什么是好的演讲家,我可以给你几百个答案。如果我必须要把这些答案总结归纳成一个结论,那就是好的演讲家,当你每次聆听时,都可以让你备受鼓舞。 If you’d ask me what makes a great speaker, I could give you hundreds of answers. If I have to sum them up into one answer - if the speaker makes you inspired every time you listen to him.   一个因素就是演讲背后的阅历。我认为演讲者所具有的智慧是让他们变得很有力量、很有说服力的原因。同时,这也造就了民众对于这些公众演讲家如此不可思议的信任。 One, the experience behind it. I think wisdom associated with speakers is what makes them powerful and persuasive to people. And I think that is what creates this incredible trust people have placed in these orators.   (演讲)始终就是表达的艺术,表达思想、表达情感、激情,但最重要的是诠释智慧,你想传达什么道理? It’s always expression, expression of ideas, expression of emotions, passions, but most importantly the expression of the wisdom, what are you getting across?