20190507-Marvel&Audi漫威和奥迪 (Lesson B)快速版

20190507-Marvel&Audi漫威和奥迪 (Lesson B)快速版

2019-05-07    01'02''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

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2019.05.07 Marvel&Audi漫威和奥迪 Lesson B   英语卡拉OK   1. 模拟第一句: 艺术和科技结合所产生的协同力以及随后的发展状态,实在是不可思议。现在有了在线画廊,注定将成为历史上最令人兴奋的艺术博物馆,现在我们就去一睹为快吧。 The synergy of art and technology and the way that it panned out, it’s just incredible. And now the on-line Gallery, which promises to be the most exciting art museum in history and we’re gonna get a glimpse of that.   2. 模拟第二句: 欢迎来到美丽的杭州西湖,谢谢参与轻课和我的这次活动。我真的非常兴奋能够成为今晚活动的一部分。我本来不想宣布这个消息,不过今天到场的都是亲密的朋友,所以我告诉大家,我一个月前就有了一个私生子。 So, welcome to lovely West Lake, Hangzhou. Thanks for joining QingClass and I at this event. I’m actually pretty thrilled to be able to be part of this tonight. I didn’t want to make this announcement but I figured the crowd is so intimate. I’ve been having a bastard for well over a month.   3. 模拟第三句: (这个私生子)是全新的一个课程,始于2019年4月份。尤其是在过去三年中,正要进入第四年的时候,在英语麦克风里,我注意到有这样的全新请求。而我每次有新的学员时,都会用一种方式思考,他们的发音,他们的语音语调,所有这些都应该被纠正被更新。所有这一切感觉最终都指向一个全新的节目,我认为也是为了让学员自信和流利必须要做的。那么这一切的背后,究竟是什么呢? 【框架】It’s a new course, started in April 2019. Particularly in the last three years, going to the fourth years of EMF, I’ve noticed that there’s this new request going. And I would think as I get the new students, in a kind of way, their pronunciation, the accent - all this stuff should be corrected and updated. And it feels like it was all coming to this new program which is what I guess you need to do to keep a student fluent and confident. What’s actually behind all this?