20190508-《game of thrones》Lesson A

20190508-《game of thrones》Lesson A

2019-05-08    00'39''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

105 1

2019.05.08 《game of thrones》Lesson A 《权利的游戏》雪诺说   1. We’re here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters, to our fathers and mothers, to our friends. Our fellow men and women who set aside their differences to fight together and die together, so that others might live. Everyone in this world owes them a debt that can never be repaid. 我们在此向兄弟姐妹告别、向我们的父母、我们的朋友们告别。我们的男女同胞们抛开分歧,他们并肩作战,同生共死,好让其他人可以活下去。世间所有人永远报答不完他们的恩情。   2. It is our duty and our honor to keep them alive in memory, for those who come after us, and those who come after them, for as long as men draw breath. They were the shields that guarded the realms of men, and we shall never see their like again. 这是我们的职责和荣耀,让这些人永远活在我们的记忆中,对于我们的后人,和对于他们的后人来说都是职责和荣耀,只要我们还活着。他们是守护人类王国的盾牌,我们再也不会看到他们这样的人。