20190509-《game of thrones》Lesson B

20190509-《game of thrones》Lesson B

2019-05-09    00'36''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

130 0

2019.05.09 《game of thrones》Lesson B 《权利的游戏》雪诺说 Lesson B   英语卡拉OK:   我们在这里, 对着老师和教授们、对着同学和室友们、对着北大的校友,说一声,“你好,幸会。”北大人抛开彼此的不同,在这里共同学习和生活,让北大蓬勃发展。 We are here to say “Hi, nice to meet you.” to our teachers and professors, to our classmates and roommates, to our alumni. Our fellow men and women who set aside their differences to learn together and live together, so that PKU will thrive.   为了北大的前辈们,同时也为了北大的后来者,只要我们还有一口气,让北大在历史上骄傲自豪,就是我们的责任和光荣。 It is our duty and our honor to keep PKU proud in history, for those who come before us, and those who come after us, for as long as men draw breath.   我们是推动中国发展的引擎,因此我们永远不可以抛弃自己身上的责任。 We are the engine that pushes the development of China, and we shall never shed our responsibility.