20190516-The Boy Scout Association童子军
Lesson B

20190516-The Boy Scout Association童子军 Lesson B

2019-05-16    00'50''

主播: 叶子哥🎥

112 1

2019.05.16 The Boy Scout Association童子军 Lesson B   英语卡拉OK   1. 模拟第一句: 《英语麦克风》忠实粉丝组织是小麦老师于2015年在杭州成立的。这是一个致力于促进交流、提升语言流利程度以及社交技能的社群,适合全社会各行各业的人。 The EMF Loyal Fans Association was founded in Hangzhou in 2015 by Michael. It was an organization that promoted communication, speaking fluency and social skills for people from all walks of life.   2. 模拟第二句: 《英语小达人》很快在年轻英语学习者中变得流行起来。家长很开心看到有一个针对孩子的英语口语以及发音的节目。曾几何时,有一种担心,学生没有进行这方面的学习,以至于语言最基本的目的都被遗忘了。 English Talent quickly became popular among young English learners. Parents were happy that there was a program for children to learn about things like speaking and pronunciation. At the time, there was concern that student were not learning these things and that basic purpose were being forgotten.   3. 模拟第三句: “中国游侠”的口号是:被启迪。他们去自驾游和汽车拉力,并且学习了解大自然。游侠们也会学习如何成为一名有帮助有贡献的环境守卫者,在他们的城市里,省份里以及整个中国。 The Rangers of China’s motto is: be inspired. They go on road trips and rallies and learn about nature. Rangers also learn how to be helpful, contributing environmental guardians in their cities, provinces and country.