20171022EMF-baby learning  to walk

20171022EMF-baby learning to walk

2017-10-22    00'47''

主播: 小先🍏

9 0

Watch a baby learning to walk.When she first goes from crawling to walking,she's down more than she's up.There may be a few tears, but she quickly bounces back up,ready to try again.The urge to walk,to explore the world in a new way,keeps her going. Wouldn't it be great if we would malntaln this same kind of spirlt? A baby doesn't think,"Gee,I fell.Now,I'll never learn to walk."As adults,we sometimes let our failures discourage us.If something goes wrong one time,we think it will always go wrong.We don't get up and take the next step. It's not whether you get knocked down,it's whether you get back up. 看看婴儿学习如何走路吧。刚开始从爬行到步行的阶段,她跌倒的次数一定大于 她站立的次数。也许会掉几滴眼泪,但是她很快就会重振旗鼓,准备再次尝试。 对于走路的渴望,想要用全新的方式探索世界的渴望,让她坚持下去。 如果我们可以保持这种精神,难道不好吗?小宝宝不会去想,“天啊,我摔倒 了。我永远学不会走路了。”但是我们成年人,有时候会放任自己受失败打击。一旦 某些事错了一回,我们就会觉得永远不会变好。我们不会再站起来,迈出下一步。 关键不在于你是否曾经跌倒,而在于你是否能够重新振作。 含6