

2018-05-22    00'58''

主播: 小先🍏

51 0

Shocked Passengers on Board a Chinese Airliner,as Oxygen Mask Dropped It started when the windshield on the right side of the passenger plane's cockpit suddenly blew out."We were eating.All of a sudden,we heard a bang,then the plane began to go down.The duration of the drop was about 4 to 5 seconds.It was chaos;all the lights went out.” The Airbus A319 was 80 minutes into flight and was flying at an altitude of 30,000 feet when the windshield shattered and the co-pilot was sucked halfway out of the plane,despite wearing a seat belt. The pilot and flight crew were praised for the safe emergency landing in Southem China.The co-pilot surprisingly suffered only scratches and a sprained wrist and no passengers were hurt,according to local media. 氧气面罩掉落,乘客惊恐尖叫 一架中国班机驾驶舱右座前风挡玻璃突然破裂 并脱落,“当时我们正在吃东西,突然间,我 们听到一声巨响,然后飞机开始急速下降,下 降持续了四到五秒左右。机舱内一片混乱,所 有的灯都熄灭了。” 风挡玻璃突然爆裂时,这架空客A319刚刚起 飞80分钟左右,并且飞行的高度在约30,000 英尺。尽管副驾驶系了安全带,但他身体的一 半被吸出了窗外。机长和机组人员因安全紧急 备降中国南方机场而受到赞扬。令人惊讶的 是,副驾驶只受了擦伤和手腕扭伤,没有乘客 受伤,当地媒体报道。