

2018-05-23    01'11''

主播: 小先🍏

51 0

So,my point is everything in life happens according to our time,our clock.You may look at some of your friends and think that they're ahead of you,maybe some of them you feel are behind,but everything happens at their own pace.They have their own time and clock and so do you.Be patient. Getting your degree after 25 is still an achievement.Not being married at 30 but still happy is beautiful. Starting a family after 35 is still possible and buying a house after 40 is still great.Don't let anyone rush you with their timelines.Be- cause as Einstein said,“Not ev- erything that counts can be count- ed and not everything that's counted truly counts."And this is the most important thing.I want you to be able to create meaning- ful,purposeful fulfilling lives for yourselves and learn how to use that to make an impact and a dif- ference in the lives of others.That will be true success. 我想说的是,人生中每一件事都取决于我们 自己的时间、自己的节奏。你身边有些朋友 或许遥遥领先于你,有些朋友也许落后于 你,但凡事都有它自己的节奏。他们有他们 的节奏,你有你自己的。而耐心一点。 25岁后拿到文凭,依然值得骄傲。30岁还 没结婚,但过得开心也很美好。35岁后成 家也没什么不可以,40岁后再买房也不丢 人。不要让任何人用他们的标准来扰乱你 的时间表。正如爱因斯坦所说:“并非所有 重要的东西,都能计算得清楚。也并非每 一件计算得清楚的东西,都真正有意义。” 这,才是最重要的事。我希望你们能创造 属于自己的、有意义和有成就感的人生, 并学会用这些去影响并点亮其他人的生 活。这才是真正的成功。