

2018-05-25    00'55''

主播: 小先🍏

53 0

I think it's very alarming that young girls are seeing false images in the media.And they're having unrealistic expectations about what their body should look like.So these young girls are coming in or young men coming in feeling insecure about their bodies.And how are their parents handling it?Their parents are bringing them in for the surgery.So it's really unfortunate that young women today feel so pressured to look a certain way. Parents need to be very careful when they suggest their kids or offer them a surgery, because that's not a positive reinforce- ment for the kids.They want the kids to feel good about themselves.Their parents say “Well,we'll do this for you.”also means“Well,we think you're not what you should be.”And I think it's very important that we be cognizant of that. 我觉得,年轻的女孩儿们正受从媒体上看到的 伪造形象影响,这很令人担忧。她们对自己身 体原有样子开始有不切实际的期望。所以,少 女们或者少男们都开始对自己的身体不自信。 他们的父母怎么处理这件事?他们的父母带他 们来做手术。所以很不幸的是,现在的年轻女 人在外表上压力很大。 父母在建议自己的孩子或给自己的孩子做手术 的时候一定要小心谨慎,因为对于孩子们来 说,这不是正面的帮助。父母想要孩子们自我 感觉良好,所以父母们说:“好,我们支持你 整容”,但这也正是在说:“好,我觉得你不应 该长这样”。我认为我们认识到这点很重要。