

2018-05-25    00'58''

主播: 小先🍏

69 0

Now the scars have begun to heal.May 12th,2018 marks the tenth anniversary of the earthquake. Here is a look back at its aftermath. First,after the quake,China car- ried out nationwide checks on public facilities,including schools and hospitals.Second,a new Seis- mic Ground Motion Parameters Zonation Map of China was published to provide safety guidelines for National Construc- tion Standards.Third,China re- inforced disaster relief efforts, including raising subsidies for victims and speeding up GUl construction of damaged resi- dential buildings. What's more,China decided to make May 12th National Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Day, starting in 2009.On that day, disaster emergency drills are carried out across the country to increase public awareness of disaster prevention. 如今,(灾害带来的)伤痛已经开始愈合。 2018年5月12号是(l川)地震10周年纪念 日。下面我们回顾一下它的后续影响。首 先,地震之后,中国在全国开展了公共设施 排查,包括学校和医院。第二,为了给国家 建筑标准提供安全准则,发布了新的中国地 震动参数区划图。第三,中国加强了救灾投 入,包括提高受灾者补贴金,加速受损居民 住宅的GUl(graphical user interface 图像用户界面)建设。 除此之外,自2009年起,中国夫定将5月12 号设为全国防灾减灾日。为了提升公众对于 灾害的预防意识,在每年的这一天,全国会 开展灾害应急演习。
上一期: 20180524-整形
下一期: 20180526EMF-温故知新