How to save yourself in the open water⚠️水中遇险 如何自救

How to save yourself in the open water⚠️水中遇险 如何自救

2021-10-11    00'48''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. It's not surprising that people who find themselves in the open water have a wild fear for their life.However panic definitely won't help you. It can cloud your judgement and make you lose the rhythm of breathing. Therefore thefirst thing you should do is to calmdown. 2. The style of swimming you choose determines how long your strength will last. In calm water, it’sbetter to swim on your back. In this case you'll get the opportunityto relax as much as possible and breathe evenly. If waves splash around you, it's better to swim on your belly, for instance, try the breaststroke. 3. Despair is your most dangerousenemy. Don't give up hope of being safe. There are many storiesof people who are found in the open sea months after their disappearance. Human possibilities are endless. The mainthing is to keep calm and hope for the best. 当发现自己在开放水域,人会疯狂地恐惧失去生命,这并不奇怪。然而恐慌绝对不会帮到你。它会影响你的判断力,使你失去呼吸的节奏。因此,你应该做的第一件事是冷静下来。 你选择的泳姿决定了你的力量能持续多久。在平静的水中,最好是仰泳。在这种情况下,你将有机会尽可能地放松,平稳地呼吸。如果浪花在你周围飞溅,最好是俯身游泳,例如,可以尝试蛙泳。 绝望是你最危险的敌人。不要放弃求生的希望。人在失踪数月后在海上被发现,这样的故事有很多。人类的可能性是无止尽的。最主要的是要保持冷静,尽可能往好处想。