Four kinds of Coffee drinks☕️

Four kinds of Coffee drinks☕️

2022-01-17    00'59''

主播: Vivian💗

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1. So, the first drink we're gonna make is a mocha and basically the components are: espresso, chocolate sauce, steamed milk, and it's gonna be presented with, like, some latte art, so it's all nice and pretty. 2. So, next up we're gonna do a latte. Basically it's what you just saw with the mocha but no chocolate. So it really highlights the espresso, the sweetness of the steamed milk, and kind of the smoothness of, like, the combination of the two. 3. A flat white is similar to the latte that you just saw, so it's going to be a double espresso and steamed milk in a light layer of foam. The difference really just being the ratio of coffee to milk. So it's gonna taste stronger but you know you're not getting like more coffee than with the latte. 4. So, the last drink we're gonna make is a cappuccino. So this one is pretty similar to the flat white. The difference is the texture of the foam, so it's kind of lower, like a more creamy texture. I also like to tell customers that you might perceive it to be stronger because the milk isn’t mixing with the espresso as much. 我们要做的第一种饮料是摩卡,基本上成分是:浓缩咖啡、巧克力酱、蒸牛奶,而且要用一些拉花艺术来呈现,所以它很好看。 接下来我们要做一杯拿铁。基本上就像你刚才看到的摩卡,但没有巧克力。因此,它真正突出了浓缩咖啡,蒸牛奶的甜味,以及两者混合的丝滑感。 馥芮白类似于你刚才看到的拿铁,它是双份浓缩咖啡加蒸牛奶,有一层轻薄的奶泡。区别在于咖啡和牛奶的比例。所以它的味道会更浓,但你喝到的咖啡并不比拿铁多。 我们要做的最后一种饮料是卡布奇诺。这款咖啡与馥芮白很相似。不同的是奶泡的质地,更厚,更接近奶油质地。我还喜欢告诉顾客,你可能会觉得它更浓,因为牛奶并非同等程度地混合到浓缩咖啡里。