HEPA filter🔥生化武器防御模式

HEPA filter🔥生化武器防御模式

2022-02-08    00'57''

主播: Vivian💗

244 1

1. Normally, air pollution, you can’t really see it. You can't really see how bad it is, so we're trying to use this to demonstrate it visually. So we’re gonna be running a bioweapon defense mode on here. We have a HEPA filter installed. It's gonna show us the effectiveness of the HEPA filter VS a vehicle that does not have the HEPA filter. 2. So the cabin is now pressurized as the smoke is released. So all the air that's coming into the cabin is going through the HEPA filter, which is very good at taking out the particles of smoke. So as you can see, the cabin is staying nice and clean, even though the outside world is quite a hostile environment. 3. Over 4 million people die per year based upon exposure to bad air quality and the World Health Organization says that over 90% of people live in environments that have bad air quality. With wildfires in California and other extreme climate events happening worldwide, it's really important to be able to provide clean air to everybody, so that's why we have a HEPA filter in our vehicle. 通常情况下,你无法真正看见空气污染。你无法真正看到它有多严重,所以我们试图用这个来直观地展示它。我们将在这里运行生物武器防御模式。我们安装了一个HEPA过滤器。对比没有安装HEPA过滤器的车辆,它将向我们展示HEPA过滤器的效果。 当烟雾被释放时,车厢里现在是增压的。因此,所有进入车厢的空气都要通过HEPA过滤器,HEPA过滤器能很好地去除烟雾颗粒。因此,正如你所看到的,车厢干净整洁,尽管外部世界是一个相当恶劣的环境。 每年有400多万人因暴露在恶劣的空气质量下而死亡,世界卫生组织说,90%以上的人生活在空气质量恶劣的环境中。随着加州的野火和其他极端气候事件在世界各地的发生,能够为每个人提供清洁的空气真的很重要,所以这就是为什么我们的车都配备了一个HEPA过滤器。