before I go to sleep24(文稿)

before I go to sleep24(文稿)

2017-10-02    01'46''

主播: 有声师姐Memory

45 0

本书更多英文有声读物中英对照同步视频请加V信公众号:yyxxzlk I may be leading a shattered life, but at least it is shattered into pieces large enough for me to maintain a semblance of independence. I guess that means I am lucky. ‘Why?’ I say. ‘What has caused it?’He doesn’t say anything. The room goes quiet. The air feels still, and sticky. When he speaks his words seem to echo off the walls. ‘Many things can cause an impairment of memory,’ he says. ‘Either long-term or short-term. Disease, trauma, drug use. ‘The exact nature of the impairment seems to differ, depending on the part of the brain that has been affected.’ ‘Yes,’ I say. ‘But what has caused mine?’He looks at me for a moment. ‘What has Ben told you?’ I think back to our conversation in the bedroom. An accident, he had said. A bad accident. ‘He didn’t really tell me anything,’ I say. ‘Nothing specific, anyway. He just said I’d had an accident.’ ‘Yes,’ he says, reaching for his bag that sits under the table. ‘Your amnesia was caused by trauma. That’s true, at least partly.’ He opens his bag and takes out a book. At first I wonder if he is going to consult his notes, but instead he passes it across the table to me. ‘Look. I want you to have this,’ he says. ‘It will explain everything. Better than I can. About what has caused your condition, especially. But other things as well.’