影视原声 · 降临2

影视原声 · 降临2

2018-04-08    04'41''

主播: 日不落电台

85 2

So, Hannah, this is where your story begins. The day they departed. Despite knowing the journey and where it leads, I embrace it. And I welcome every moment of it. 所以汉娜,这就是你故事的开始——他们离开的那天。尽管知道这次旅程将通往何处,我还是选择义无反顾地拥抱它,勇敢迎接这次旅程的每一刻。 If you could see your whole life from start to finish, would you change things? 如果你能预见自己人生的起点与终点,你会接受自己的宿命吗?