

2015-11-20    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

45286 1100

This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing. Here is the news. Experts say China's major cities should reach their targets in reducing major air pollutants by 2017 as planned, though ozone poses a more stubborn problem. Among the six top air pollutants in 70 major cities, five saw their concentration levels significantly decreased last year. The experts say, however, a rising level of ozone may require the country to take more comprehensive measures. According to an expert from the School of Environment at Tsinghua University, it has become harder for governments to cut the emissions of airborne pollutants, as more complicated problems pop up. An expert with the China office of Clean Air Asia, an international nongovernmental organization, says some cities will not see a large reduction in pollutants this year. This is NEWS Plus Special English. (全文见微信周六第三条。)