

2015-11-20    25'00''

主播: NEWSPlus Radio

28401 984

This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news. China has increased its terrorism-alert level to cover the whole country, following the recent fatal attacks in Paris, France. In the wake of the attacks across the French capital, provinces and cities in China have issued new counterterrorism orders and held antiterrorism exercises. An emergency video conference has been held by the counterterrorism leading group of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The region's police chief Ma Ming has called for a stronger sense of urgency and responsibility from all officials, and stressed the significance of safeguarding the stability of northern China. He also underscored duty, cooperation and supervision throughout the undertaking. In the northern province of Shanxi, the leading antiterrorism group held a similar emergency conference, with the group's chief calling for better countermeasures and preparedness. While in Shanghai, special operation armed police carried out a counterterrorism drill to improve their ability to deal with emergencies. China has its own concerns related to terrorism. An assault on a market in Urumqi, the capital of northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on May 22 last year left more than 30 dead and another 94 injured, prompting a year-long campaign against terrorism. This is NEWS Plus Special English. (全文见周六微信。)