

2017-12-20    00'56''

主播: 开口英语

971 6

80. Being around Nature 投入大自然的怀抱 Ruby is trying to get her friend, Tony, to go bird-watching with her. 露比正设法说服她的朋友东尼陪她一起去赏鸟。 R: You really should get some exercise, Tony. Why don't you come bird-watching with me this weekend? 露比:你真的应该运动一下,东尼。这个周末你何不和我一起去赏鸟? T: That sounds boring. What's bird-watching all about anyway? 东尼:听起来真无聊。赏鸟究竟是什么玩意儿? R: Bird watchers study birds in their natural surroundings. It's a great hobby. 露比:赏鸟人士在鸟类栖息的自然环境中观察它们。是一项不错的休闲活动哦。 T: What's the fun in that? 东尼:那当中有何乐趣呢? R: We enjoy listening to different birds sing, looking at them fly and watching how they behave. 露比:我们乐于聆听各种鸟鸣、观看它们飞翔和观察它们的行为。 T: What else? 东尼:还有什么? R: Well, it's also relaxing to be around nature. And walking in the mountains helps keep you fit. 露比:嗯,投入大自然的怀抱也令人心旷神怡,还有在山间散布有助于保持身体健康。 T: Nothing's more relaxing than watching TV in my air-conditioned room. 东尼:没有什么事比待在我那有空调的房间看电视更令人心旷神怡的了。 R: You're hopeless! 露比:你无可救药! T: And you're birdbrained! 东尼:而你是鸟脑袋!
上一期: 中级美语L81
下一期: 中级美语L83