

2015-12-24    10'58''

主播: 跟Susan一起朗读

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本节目音频和中英字幕同步在微信公众号“susanenglish88"更新,欢迎订阅收听! 英语课程报名请咨询工作微信2653661388! 笼中的野鸡 The Caged Chicken 山林中的野鸡求食不易,走十步才能找到一条虫。 Finding food isn’t easy for the wild pheasant, traveling ten steps before getting a single worm. 走一百步才找到一口水,但它仍不希望被关在笼子里。 And even though it has to walk a hundred paces for a drink of water, it still prefers this to being locked up in a cage. 因为,在笼子里虽然不愁吃喝,羽毛光亮,但精神上终不比在野外自由。 A caged chicken may have enough to eat and drink and it’s feathers may be bright and shiny, but it will always crave the freedom of being on the outside. 懂得养生的人,不会因为追求物欲的享受,而付出自由的代价。但在现实的社会里有几个人“头上便是青天”呢? The person who understands self-cultivation would never pursue material pleasures at the expense of freedom. Yet in today’s society, how many truly carefree people do you see?