

2016-01-08    08'24''

主播: 跟Susan一起朗读

592 44

泛若不系之舟 Like a Drifting Boat 巧妙的人多劳苦, Talented people have so much work to do. 聪明的人多忧愁, Intelligent people have so much to worry about. 无能的人无所求,吃饱了便到处逍遥。 Incompetent people, however, go about in a dreamy bliss, satisfied with enough to eat. 好像是一条没有绳索系住的空船,在水面上摇呀摇的自由自在。 Like an unmoored boat, drifting on the water, rocking gently back and forth, carefree and at ease. 聪明巧妙往往带来无穷的累赘。这些系累世人常不自觉。 People of ability and intelligence are constantly distressed, while the general population carries on oblivious to it all. 本节目音频和中英字幕同步在微信公众号“susanenglish88"更新,欢迎订阅收听! 英语课程报名请咨询工作微信2653661388!