

2015-02-10    01'23''

主播: 冲浪的少年

27111 704

Message by the President at the 2015 Grammy Awards (February 8, 2015) 奥巴马总统在2015年格莱美颁奖礼上的简短讲话(2015年2月8日) Good evening, everybody. 大家晚上好. Tonight, we celebrate artists whose music and message help shape our culture. And together, we can change our culture for the better by ending violence against women and girls. 今晚,我们祝贺那些伟大的艺术家们,他们的音乐和传达的信息帮助塑造了我们的文化.同样,我们可以一起制止针对妇女和女孩的暴力行为,让我们的文化变得更好. Right now, nearly one in five women in America has been a victim of rape or attempted rape. And more one in four women has experienced some form of domestic violence. It is not okay, and it has to stop. 当下,在美国将近五分之一的妇女,是强奸或强奸未遂的受害者.四分之一以上的妇女经历过不同形式的家庭暴力.这很不好,这需要被制止. Artists have a unique power to change minds and attitudes and get us thinking and talking about what matters. And all of us, in our own lives, have the power to set an example. Join our campaign to stop this violence. Go to ItsOnUs.org, and take the pledge. 艺术家有着改变人们思想和态度的独特力量,能够让我们去思考和讨论最重要的问题.我们所有人,在我们自己的生命中,有能力去树立榜样.加入我们的战役向这一暴力行为宣战.访问ItsOnUs.org,并发誓这样去做. And to the artist at the Grammys tonight, I ask you to ask your fans to do it, too. It&`&s on us, all of us to create a culture where violence isn&`&t tolerated, where survivors are supported, and where all our young people, men and women, can go as far as their talents and their dreams will take them. 今晚出席格莱美颁奖礼的艺术家们,我请你们告诉你们的粉丝也这样做.这靠我们,我们所有人,来建设一个暴力不被容忍,受害者能够得到关怀的文化氛围.并且我们所有的年轻人,无论男女,都能尽情发挥出他们的天赋,并实现他们各自的梦想. Thanks. 谢谢.