Cold Night - Sarah MacDougall

Cold Night - Sarah MacDougall

2016-12-31    06'30''

主播: 南辰车

22585 19

【While the sunlight freezes up, I think of you again. 深圳明天终于要升温了 提前的 各位 新年快乐】 while the sunlight freezes up 当阳光定格 i think of you again 我又想到了你 and the snow is lying cold 雪冷冷的铺在地上 looks like the blanket on this town 像是这个小镇的地毯 and it drips down from the roof tops 它从屋顶掉落 while i hear the winter whisper 我听到了冬天的低语 that everything is naked 所有事都裸露着 and stark underneath 在雪的覆盖之下 you coming to my mind 你又浮现在我的脑海 like so many times before 像之前很多次一样 seems like it's been forever 感觉它会持续永久 since i couldn't let you go 我还是不能放手让你走 and all my mistakes 我所有的错误 dig themselves into my heart again 在心里铭记的更深 and all your words they come back 所有你说的话又回响起来 so much clearer to me now 在我的耳边如此清晰 and it's cold , cold night 多么冷的夜晚 leaves me breathless and in doubt 我无法呼吸又满腹迟疑 there's a silence and a calm tonight 在这个寂静清冷的夜晚 and i wonder if i was right 我思索自己是否正确 i remember every word that you said 我记得你说的每一句话 but i wonder if i was really 但我怀疑我是否真的这样 the love you drink it all of full 爱已被你一饮而尽 and the trees white and drunk 树白茫茫的,像个醉汉那样立着 and strip down of their clothes 舞女脱下自己的衣服 and i realize i am not sure 我意识到我不再记得 what you look like anymore 你的模样 but every cell says i remember you well 但是每个细胞告诉我,我还牢牢记得你 but it's been so long since i saw you laugh out loud 但是离我上次看到你笑已经过去好久了 and if i could , i ply our boat, snow it tonight 如果我可以,要用我们的船,在雪里滑行 cause something is erupting in the ground underneath 一些事情已经发生变化 and it's cold , cold night 多么冷的夜晚 leaves me breathless and out 我无法呼吸又满腹迟疑 there's silence and cold tonight 在这个寂静清冷的夜晚 and i wonder if you were right 我思索自己是否正确 and it's cold , cold night 多么冷的夜晚 leaves me breathless and out 我无法呼吸又满腹迟疑 there's silence and cold tonight 在这个寂静清冷的夜晚 and i wonder if anyone was right 我在想到底谁是对的 翻译贡献者:pungungun 【你听到的只是自己的心情。讲你的故事给我听吧。】