Goldilocks and the Three Bears 

Goldilocks and the Three Bears 

2018-01-30    03'51''

主播: Gemini-girl

43 0

Once upon a time, deep in a forest lived a bear family. 从前,森林深处住着小熊一家。 There was a great big Papa bear, a medium sized Mama bear, and a wee little Baby bear. 家里有一个身材高大的熊爸爸,一个中等个头的熊妈妈,一个模样小小的的熊宝宝。 Now, one morning, Mama bear made porridge for breakfast. 一天早上,熊妈妈做了一锅热气腾腾的粥做早餐。 The porridge was very hot. Papa bear said, “Why don’t we take a walk in the forest while the porridge is cooling down.” So, they went for a walk. 这锅粥太烫了。熊爸爸说,“为什么我们不到森林里走一走呢?等回来时,粥就该凉下来了。”于是小熊一家到森林里散步去了。 Along came a little girl, whose name was Goldilocks, walking in the forest. 此时一个名叫金凤花的小姑娘正在森林里走着。 She saw the bears’ house and was very curious about who might live there. 她看到熊宝宝一家的屋子,很好奇谁住在里面。 So, she knocked on the door, but nobody answered. 她敲了敲门,但是没有回应。 She smelled the porridge and decided to go inside. 一阵粥的香味飘了出来,于是小姑娘决定进去看看。 She sat down and tasted Papa bear’s porridge, but it was too hot. 她坐下来尝了尝熊爸爸的粥,但喝起来太烫了。 So, she tried Mama bear’s porridge, but it was too cold. 她又去尝了尝熊妈妈的粥,但喝起来太凉了。 Then, she tasted Baby bear’s porridge and thought it was just right and at it all up. 接着她又尝了尝熊宝宝的粥,觉得刚刚好,就一口气喝了精光。 She explored some more and saw three chairs. 小姑娘在屋子里四处参观,看到了三把椅子。 She sat in Papa bear’s chair and thought, “This chair is too hard.” 她坐到了熊爸爸的椅子上,心想,“这椅子太硬了!” She tried Mama bear’s chair and thought. This chair is too soft.” 她坐到了熊妈妈的椅子上,心想,“这椅子太软了!” So, she tried Baby bear’s chair and said, “Oooh, this chair is just right!” 她坐到了熊宝宝的椅子上,心想,“哇,这椅子刚刚好!” But, oops! She was too heavy and broke the chair. 哎呦!她太重了,一下把椅子压坏了。 She stretched her arms and yawned and thought, “I’m feeling tired,” 她张开双臂,打了个呵欠,“我有点困了。” So she looked for the bedroom. 小姑娘顺利找到了卧室。 She laid on Papa bear’s bed and thought, “This bed is too hard.” 她躺在了熊爸爸的床上,心想,“这张床太硬了!” She laid on Mama bear’s bed and thought, “This bed is too soft.” 她躺在了熊妈妈的床上,心想,“这张床太软了!” So, she tried Baby bear’s bed and thought, “This bed is just right,” and she fell asleep. 她躺在了熊宝宝的床上,心想,“这张床刚刚好!”于是她就躺在这儿睡着了。 Meanwhile, the three bears decided to go back home to eat their warm porridge. 这个时候,三只小熊决定回来吃该凉得差不多的粥。 When they came into the kitchen, Papa bear said, in a deep voice, “Somebody’s been eating my porridge.” 当他们走进厨房,熊爸爸扯着粗粗的大嗓门喊道,“有人喝了我的粥。” Mama bear said, in a sweet voice, “Somebody’s been eating my porridge.” 熊妈妈用甜美的声音喊道,“有人也喝了我的粥。” Then, baby bear said, as he began to cry, “Somebody’s been eating my porridge and ate it all up!” 接着熊宝宝哭着说道,“有人不仅喝了我的粥,还把它喝光了!” So, they went into the living room and Papa bear said, in a deep voice, “Somebody’s been sitting in my chair.” 当他们来到客厅里时,熊爸爸扯着粗粗的大嗓门喊道,“有人坐过了我的椅子。” Mama bear said, in a sweet voice, “Somebody’s been sitting in my chair.” 熊妈妈用甜美的声音喊道,“有人也坐过了我的椅子。” Then, baby bear said, as he began to cry, “Somebody’s been sitting in my chair and broke it!” 接着熊宝宝哭着说道,“有人不仅坐过了我的椅子,还把它坐坏了。” So, they went into the bedroom and Papa bear said, in a deep voice, “Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed.” 当他们来到卧室里,熊爸爸扯着粗粗的大嗓门喊道,“有人睡过了我的床。” Mama bear said, in a sweet voice, “Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed.” 熊妈妈用甜美的声音喊道,“有人也睡过了我的床。” Then, baby bear said, as he began to cry, “Somebody’s been sleeping in my bed and she’s still there!” 接着熊宝宝哭着说道,“有人不仅睡过了我的床,而且她还在这里!” Goldilocks heard the bears talking and woke up. 小姑娘听到声音,一下惊醒了。 She was so scared to see the three bears that she jumped out of Baby bear’s bed, ran out of the bear house and all the way home. 她看到三只熊,完全被吓懵了,立即从熊宝宝的床上跳下来,一溜烟跑出了屋子,回家去了。 The bears never saw Goldilocks again. 从那以后,小熊一家再也没见过这个小姑娘。