My Precious Little Bear 

My Precious Little Bear 

2018-01-29    01'49''

主播: Gemini-girl

44 0

The sun is rising in the sky. 太阳公公爬上天空。 Hooray our day’s begun! 万岁,新的一天开始了! My mommy smiles. “Let’s go and play!” 妈妈笑着说,“让我们尽情玩耍吧!” We’re off to have some fun! 于是我们一起出门玩! The long grass by the water’s edge is great fun to explore. 岸边长长的水草丛是个探险的好地方。 I spot some frogs and butterflies we’ve never seen before! 在那儿,我发现了一些以前从没见过的青蛙和蝴蝶! The bees are buzzing happily, 蜜蜂欢快地嗡嗡叫着, and lead us to a treat: 带领我们去美餐一顿: Some sweet and sticky honeycomb that tastes so good to eat! 甜丝丝又黏乎乎的蜂巢,尝起来棒极了! We walk among the shady trees and find a path to follow. 我们在繁茂的树林间穿行,找到一条小路。 It leads us to a furry friend who peeps out from a hollow. 一路走下去,遇到了一个毛茸茸的朋友,它正从洞里探出头来。 While Mommy stretches out to snooze, 当我的妈妈伸懒腰时, I creep up on tiptoes and pick a feathery blade of grass to tickle on her nose! 我踮起脚尖,拿起一片叶子,凑到她鼻子下挠痒痒! We race up to the riverbank and dive into the pool. 我们一路跑到河边,跳进池子里游泳。 I like it when we swim down deep –the water’s icy cool! 我喜欢潜到池底——那里的水很凉! I love to watch the shiny fish that dart and splash and play. 我喜欢看游得飞快、溅起水花、相互嬉闹的小鱼。 But when I touch one with my paw, 但每当我想用手触摸它们时, it always slips away! 鱼儿就全溜走了! The evening sky fades purple-pink, the mountains glow with light. 夜晚的天空逐渐褪去粉紫色的晚霞,群山闪着微光。 I wave good-bye to all my friends. 我和所有朋友挥手告别。 It’s time to say “Night-night!” 是时候说“晚安”了! All snuggled warmly in my bed, I yawn, “I’ve had such fun!” 躺在床上时,我回想起一天愉快的经历,喊道,“我玩得好开心!” “Me too, my little bear,” smiles Mom, “我也是,我的小熊,”妈妈笑着回应我, “I love you precious one.” “我爱你,小宝贝。”