Papa,please  Get  the  moon  for  me

Papa,please Get the moon for me

2018-02-01    02'28''

主播: Gemini-girl

56 1

Before Monica went to bed, she looked out of her window and saw the moon.   莫妮卡上床睡觉前,她望了一眼窗外,看到了天边的月亮。 The moon looked so near. “I wish I could play with the moon” thought Monica and reached for it. 月亮看起来那么近。莫妮卡想,“我好想和月亮一起玩啊”,于是朝月亮伸出手。 But no matter how much she stretched, she could not touch the moon. “Papa”, said Monica to her father, “please get the moon for me.” 但是她伸啊伸,却怎么都摸不到月亮。“爸爸”,莫妮卡对爸爸说,“请把月亮给我摘下来。” Papa got a very long ladder. 爸爸找到一个非常长的梯子。 He carried the very long ladder towards a very high mountain. 他把非常长的梯子搬到一座非常高的山上。 Then Papa put the very long ladder on top of the very high mountain. 又把梯子搬到这座山的山顶。 Up and up and up he climbed. 他一点一点往上爬。 Finally, Papa got to the Moon. 最后,爸爸来到了月亮上。 "My daughter Monica would like to play with you", said Papa, "but you are much too big."  “我的女儿莫妮卡想和你一起玩”爸爸说道,“但是你太大了。” "Every night I get a little smaller", said the moon. “每天晚上我都会变得小一点”月亮说。 "When I am just the right size you can take me with you."  “当我的尺寸缩小到正好时,你就能把我带走了。” And indeed, the moon got smaller and smaller and smaller. 确实如此,月亮变得越来越小,越来越小。 When the moon was just the right size Papa took it. 当月亮的尺寸缩小到正好时,爸爸把它带走了。 Down and down and down he climbed. 他一点点爬下来。 "Here", said Papa to Monica," I have the moon for you." “这里,”爸爸对莫妮卡说,“我把月亮带给你了。” Monica jumped and danced with the moon. 莫妮卡开心得跳了起来,和月亮跳起了舞。 She hugged the moon and threw it into the air. 时而紧紧抱着它,时而又把它高高抛起。 But the moon kept getting smaller and smaller and smaller and finally it disappeared altogether. 但是月亮依然越变越小,越变越小,最后完全消失了。 Then, one night Monica saw a thin sliver of the moon reappear. 几天后的晚上,莫妮卡看到一条像银钩一样的月亮重新出现了。 Each night the moon grew. 每天晚上,月亮都会长大一点点。 And grew. 越长越大。 And grew. 越长越大。