One   Hungry   Monster

One Hungry Monster

2018-02-06    02'47''

主播: Gemini-girl

140 0

One hungry monster, underneath my bed, moaning and groaning and begging to be fed. 一头好饿好饿的怪兽在我的床底下,呻吟着,哀嚎着,请求我喂他一点食物。 Two hungry monsters at my closet door, chewing up my sneakers, asking me for more. 两头好饿好饿的怪兽在我的橱柜门口,咬我的运动鞋,请求我喂他们一点食物。 Three hungry monsters in the upstairs hall, lick the flower painting hanging on the wall. 三头好饿好饿的怪兽在楼上的大厅里,舔着挂在墙上的画。 Four hungry monsters ‘round my Daddy’s head, sniffing out the crackers he’d eated in his bed. 四头好饿好饿的怪兽围着我爸爸的脑袋,顺着气味找到他掉在床上的饼干。 Five hungry monsters sliding down the rail, munching and crunching on one another’s tail. 五头好饿好饿的怪兽从楼梯扶手上滑下来,咯吱咯吱地嚼着另一头怪兽的尾巴。 Six hungry monsters underneath the rug, tracking down some footprints to catch a tasty bug. 六头好饿好饿的怪兽钻进地毯下面,一路追踪脚印,捉住了一只美味的虫子。 Seven hungry monsters ‘round our TV screen, drooling at commercials for sauerkraut and beans. 七头好饿好饿的怪兽绕着电视屏幕转,对着广告上的泡菜和豆子流口水。 Eight hungry monsters on the chandeliers, swear they haven’t eaten for maybe twenty years. 八头好饿好饿的怪兽爬上了大吊灯,发誓说他们也许有二十年没有吃过这个了。 Nine hungry monsters wearing roller skates, hunting through the kitchen for knives and forks and plates. 九头好饿好饿的怪兽穿上了溜冰鞋,在厨房里穿梭,寻找刀、叉和盘子。 Ten hungry monsters about to fuss and kick, won’t get out, they tell me, unless I feed them quick! 十头好饿好饿的怪兽威胁说将会大闹一场,除非我给他们食物,否则不会出去。 So I bring out 1 jug of apple juice, 2 loaves of bread, 3 bowls of spaghetti that they dump upon my head, 4 purple eggplants, 5 pickled pears, 6 orange pumpkins they climb up and down like stairs, 7 roasted turkeys, 8 pizza pies, 9 watermelons that they wish were twice the size, 10 jars of peanut butter, but not a speck of jam (‘cause I want every monster mouth shut tighter than a clam). 所以我拿出了1壶苹果汁,2个饼,3碗倒在我头上的面条,4根紫茄子,5个腌梨,6个像楼梯一样爬上爬下的南瓜橙,7只烤火鸡,8块比萨馅饼,9个是他们预计的两倍大的西瓜,10罐花生酱,而不是一丁点果酱。 Then from behind the toaster, my secret hiding spot, I take an apple muffin the monsters never got! 从烤面包机后面,我的秘密小仓库,我拿出了一个怪兽们从未吃到过的苹果松饼!