

2014-10-20    00'40''

主播: 长颈鹿的项链

2127 167

原文: Everyone understands the nature of war. (I raise.)We also understand that victory depends on the cards that we have been dealt, some, when faced with a bloody battle, simply give in. But for some, surrender is unacceptable. (Well, Bree, What are you gonna do?) Even though they know it will be a fight. (I’ll raise you) to the death. 译文: 每个人都了解战争的本质。我们也明白胜利取决于我们手中牌的大小。在血战面前,有些人会主动退缩。但有些人,决不会投降认输。尽管他们知道这是一场恶战,注定腥风血雨。