20200102 重温经典(20080101)

20200102 重温经典(20080101)

2020-08-20    00'54''

主播: Shally🚉

213 2

重温经典20180101: It is not the movement of the clock that produces the newness of life; it is the movement in your mind. We are all in the process of transforming, to a higher and better expression of myself. New Year, New Me... I'm telling you, that you can buy a new car, but if you put the old man in the new car, you're still gonna have the old experience. New life comes from a new mind, and a new way of looking at your life. I can't drag that same old mess into another year... 时钟的摆动并不会带来全新的生活而是你思维的变动。我们都处在蜕变的过程中,去更高更好地诠释自我。全新的一年,全新的自我...... 我告诉你们,如果买一辆新车,但是依然是原来的司机,你还是会有同样的体验。我告诉你们,买一栋新房子,不会让你有一段婚姻。我想说的是,一件新衣服,不会让你变成另外一个人。崭新的生活,来自全新的思想,全新的方式去看待你的人生。2018, 我们不能再把过去那些乱七八糟的东西带到全新的一年!