「光影新概念2」实音连读集 → L6 乞丐PB

「光影新概念2」实音连读集 → L6 乞丐PB

2015-05-21    15'49''

主播: 良凌罗

711 33

★ 你听到的是音频 荔枝限制配文字数很坠叶 高清视频和完整字幕在 一款神秘美丽的APP中。 它叫「英语魔方秀」 新浪微博 @英语魔方秀APP @良凌罗 ☆ 语音文稿 (部分) 1 I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. 我刚刚搬进了B街的一所房子。 2 moved to a house 3 I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. 我刚刚搬进了B街的一所房子。 4 Now I wasn&`&t able to get the exact location. 我不知道现在确切的地址。 5 But I did learn that Dr. Evil has moved to a new lair outside Tokyo, Japan. 但我透过消息得知, 邪恶博士将他的基地搬到东京一带。 来自电影《王牌大贱谍3》 6 But remember this Harry. 但记住,H。 7 This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth. 这面镜子不能提供我们知识或真相。 8 Men have wasted away in front of it. Even gone mad. 人类在镜子前虚掷光阴,甚至因此而发疯。 9 That is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new home. 所以明天要把镜子搬去别的地方。 来自电影《哈利·波特与魔法石》 10 You know, that burger place isn&`&t gone. 知道吗,汉堡店还在。 11 It just moved to a new location. 只是搬了个地方。 来自电视剧《老爸老妈的浪漫史 S04E02》 12 We moved to a place like Pasadena to avoid stuff like this. 我们搬到一个像P市这样的地方是为了避免这些事情。 来自电影《X计划》 13 We moved to a small flat in London together. 我们一起搬入了伦敦 的一个小公寓里。 来自电影《V字仇杀队》 14 What about the people, the families? 里面住的人呢? 15 They moved to a different place. 他们都搬走了。 来自电影《涉外大饭店》 16 She probably moved to a nicer place. 她可能搬到一个好地方去了。 来自电影《弱点》 17 They have moved up. 他们升上天去。 18 They have moved to a higher place. 到了更高的境界。 来自电影《异形3》 19 &`&Cause Tau told me his parents argued every night, 小T说他爸妈每晚都吵架。 20 then his dad moved to an apartment by the airport, 后来他爸爸就搬去机场附近的公寓了。 21 And now he only sees him on the weekends. 现在他只在周末和他爸爸见面。 22 Don&`&t worry Sammy, Dad&`&s not moving anywhere. 别担心,S,爸爸哪儿都不去。 23 Now try and go to sleep. 快睡觉吧。 来自电影《黑暗天际》 24 A beggar knocked at my door. 一个乞丐来敲我的门。 25 knocked at my door 25 A beggar knocked at my door. 一个乞丐来敲我的门。 26 She&`&d let a wolf in if it knocked at the door. 就算有狼来敲门她也会让狼进门。 27 Perhaps… 可能吧。。。 来自电影 《冷山》 28 I knocked on the door. 我敲了门。 来自电视剧《绿箭侠 S01E04》 29 I knocked on his door, he didn&`&t answer. 我敲他家的门 没人开。 来自电影《汉尼拔》