Piano 劳伦斯《钢琴》

Piano 劳伦斯《钢琴》

2017-03-19    01'09''

主播: 张显显显显显的树

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PIANO By D.H. Lawrence(1885—1930) Softly, in the dusk, a woman is singing to me; Taking me back down the vista of years, till I see A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings And pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she sings. In spite of myself, the insidious mastery of song Betrays me back, till the heart of me weeps to belong To the old Sunday evenings at home, with winter outside And hymns in the cosy parlour, the tinkling piano our guide. So now it is vain for the singer to burst into clamour With the great black piano appassionato. The glamour Of childish days is upon me, my manhood is cast Down in the flood of remembrance, I weep like a child for the past. 1918 钢 琴 D.H. 劳伦斯 邹仲之 译 轻轻地,在黄昏,一位女子对我歌唱, 把我拉回旧时岁月的景象,我望见 一个小孩坐在钢琴下,琴弦叮咚轰响, 他紧抱母亲纤小沉稳的脚,她在微笑着歌唱。 我由不得自己,歌声隐秘的魔力 引诱我回去,我的心流着泪 回到旧时星期天晚上的家,外面是冬季, 而温暖的客厅里,叮咚弹起的钢 琴引导我们唱赞美诗。 现在这位纵情高唱的歌手 和激情奔放的黑色大钢琴都无能为力。 迷人的童年浮现眼前,我的男子气 全抛进记忆的洪水里,为了往事我哭得像个孩子