S11E04 Only Mama Knows

S11E04 Only Mama Knows

2015-03-01    01'14''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

1199 189

This is how my mother wanted to be remembered. My memory of her is a little bit different. I’m sure everyone remembers their own version of her, versions I wouldn’t even recognize. It’s all that’s really left of someone when they’re gone. But that’s the tricky thing, nobody’s memory is perfect or complete. We jumble things up, we lose track of time, we are in one place and another. And it all feels like one long inescapable moment. It’s just like my mother used to say, the carousel never stops turning. 这就是我母亲希望被铭记的方式。我对她的记忆却有些不同。我相信大家对她的记忆也有不同的版本。那些版本的她,我都不认得。回忆,就是当人去世之后真正留下来的东西。但这就是老天的玩笑之手。没有人的记忆是完美无缺的。我们会把事情搞混,我们会把时间记乱。我们一会儿在一个地方,下一秒又出现在另一个地方。这所有的一切都是长长的无法摆脱的时光。就像我妈妈说的,旋转木马永远不会停下来。 They say wen can repress our memories, I wonder of we’re just keeping them safe somewhere, because on matter how painful they are, they are our most valuable possessions. They made us who we are. 人们说记忆是可以抑制的,或许我们只是想把它们放在一个安全的地方,因为不管这些记忆如何让人心碎,她,它们都是我们珍贵的财产。它们造就了今天的我们。
上一期: S11E03 Got to Be Real
下一期: S11E05 Bend & Break