S11E05 Bend & Break

S11E05 Bend & Break

2015-03-03    01'29''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

1080 183

Uncontrollable bleeding, acidosis, cold. We all know what the combination means. We call it the triad of death. The point of on return. It’s the moment in the O.R. when you turn to damage control. You stop, you step back, you let the body rest and see if you can find a solution, to the chaos that’s happening inside. 血流不止,酸中毒,体温骤降,我们都清楚这三个症状意味着什么。我们称之为死亡三元素。我们无力回天。进入手术室的那一刻就是开始挽救的时候。你停下来,退后,让身体休息一下,看看能否找到解决办法,解决内心的嘈杂。 Once the chaos subsides, we have to go back, take another look. We have to ask ourselves, can this body be put back together? If we’ve don our jobs right, it can. We stop the bleeding, we sew up the damage, we make the body whole again. But no matter how hard we try, we have to realize, some things just can’t be fixed. 一旦恢复了平静,我们就要回头再看看,换一个角度。并问问自己,这个身体还能恢复吗?若方法正确就可以。我们可以止住流血,缝合伤口,让身体恢复成原来的样子。但是不管我们多么努力,我们必须意识到,有些东西是无法复原的。