S11E06 Don't Let's Start

S11E06 Don't Let's Start

2015-03-06    01'22''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

1117 192

Trauma is messy, chaotic. Looking at a body that’s been reduced to a bloody pulp, it might seem difficult to know where to start. Luckily, some very clever person developed a protocol, the ABCs, airway, breathing, circulation. The abcs keep your patient alive, so you can figure out how to tackle the rest of the mess. If only all life’s problems could be solved with an intubation tube. 创伤急救现场乱七八糟,一片混乱。看着一副被撞得血肉模糊的身体,似乎很难知道从何入手。好在一些聪明的家伙开创了一个规则——abc规则,即气管、呼吸道、血液循环。abc规则帮助维持病人的生命,这样就可以想办法解决剩下的烂摊子。要是所有的生命问题都能通过插管解决该多好。 The ABCs of trauma are a handy tool for keeping a patient alive. But they’re only a starting point. Once the patient’s airway, breathing, and circulation are all clear and accounted for, the real work begins— the messy work. There’s no telling how long it’s going to take to clean up that chaos, once you’ve begun. Because sometimes you don’t know what you’re in for. You don’t know exactly what you’re about to face. You don’t know what secrets the body in front of you holds, and whether, by the time it’s all over, if there’s anything left worth saving. ABC规则是让一个病人存活的简便途径,但这只是个开始。一旦病人气管、呼吸道、血液循环一切都保证正常后,真正的重头戏才开始——一团糟的工作。谁也不知道多久才能清理混乱,一旦你开始。但有时候你不知道自己在干什么。你不知道自己会面对什么。你不知道面前的人有什么秘密,或者当一切结束时你是否还有什么需要挽救的。