S11E10 The Bed's Too Big Without You

S11E10 The Bed's Too Big Without You

2015-03-15    01'57''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

1241 188

They found this guy in Maine, who had been living completely alone in the woods for 30 years. They called him the last true hermit. 30 years without the warmth of human touch, without conversation. The hermit felt more lonely when he was out in the world ,than he ever felt in the woods by himself. Surrounded by people but drowning in solitude. That kind of loneliness? Can swallow you whole. 在缅因州发现一个人,已经在树林中独自生活30年了,人称“最后的真正隐士”。30年来不接触人情冷暖,没有语言交流,出来以后隐士倍加孤独,远甚于独自在林中之时。被人群包围,却淹没在孤独之中。明白那种感觉吗?可以将人全部吞噬。 The last true hermit was found, and dragged out of hiding and into the world. Most might find his existence sad, but the hermit knew something we didn’t. He knew that when it comes down to it, even when you’re with someone, or in the noisy rush of people. It’s just you. The one you can count on, and lean on, and depend on. It has to be you, and once you figure that out, that’s when being alone. Becomes a choice. 世界上最后一个隐居者被发现,他从自己的隐居地走出来,融入了这个世界。大多数人都觉得他很可怜。可他却知道我们都不知道的事。他知道,归根到底,即使你和别人在一起,或身处喧嚣的人潮中,你仍旧是孤身一人。你能依靠的、寄托的、依赖的,也只有你自己。一旦你意识到这一点,这就是孤独变成一种选择的时候。