S11E11 All I Could Do Was Cry

S11E11 All I Could Do Was Cry

2015-03-19    02'34''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

3662 185

There’s a thing we say when someone dies. We say it to the patient’s family, we say “I’m sorry for your loss”. It’s a pat little phrase, and an empty one. It’s doesn’t begin to cover what’s actually happening to them. It lets us empathize without forcing us to feel their devastation ourselves. It protects us from feeling that pain, that dark, sinking, relentless pain, the kind that can eat you alive. And every day, I think god for that. 每当有病人去世的时候,我们会这么对家属说“请节哀顺变”。这是一句很简短也很空洞的话,它不能概括家属此刻 的所感所想。这句话可以表示我们的同情,但又不用真的感同身受。这句话保护着我们,使我们免于感受他们的痛苦。那种黑暗的、令人窒息的、冷酷无情的、能吞噬一切的疼痛。每天,我都为此感谢上帝。 We can’t get too close. If we felt even a little of the love and the joy, and the hopes that our patients are saying goodbye too. We’d never be able to function. So we say, “We’re sorry for you loss.” And we hope it offers something, some little bit of support, some bit of peace, some bit of closure, something good. Some little piece of beauty in the midst of some place dark. An unexpected gift, just when it’s needed most. 我们不能靠的太近。如果我们感受到病人正失去的,哪怕只是一点爱、喜悦、希望,我们就不能尽职尽责。所以我们会说“请节哀顺变”,并希望这能有点帮助。些许支持,些许安宁,些许沉寂,些许美好的事情,在黑暗之中些许美丽的瞬间,将会变成一份礼物,在你最需要的时刻来到你面前。