S11E12 The Great Pretender

S11E12 The Great Pretender

2015-03-22    01'06''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

1217 176

Everybody has something to hide. We can’t just expose all our secrets to the world. That’s how we get hurt, it’s how we risk hurting other people. We have to decide how much we let out and keep the truth to ourselves. 每个人都有想隐瞒的事。我们不能把所有秘密都暴露出来。所以我们会受伤,同时也可能伤害到别人。我们必须决定说出多少秘密,然后把真相埋藏在心中。 It’s scary to reveal everything about ourselves. Fear makes us hold ourselves back. Is that so wrong? Maybe, probably. But still, it helps to be a little sneaky, a little protective. It’s not safe to just blurt out all of our secrets. We can’t just lay all the truth out there. Expose ourselves to God and everybody. Cause once the truth is out we have to face it ourselves. 彻底敞开心扉是可怕的,恐惧使我们想要退缩。这真的是错的吗?也许吧。但仍这然能让我们在暗中行事更有安全感。说出所有的秘密并不安全,我们也不可能说出所有的事实,向所有人暴露自己,毫不遮掩。因为一旦说出了事实,你就要自己面对了。