S02E13 Begin the Begin【SQ】

S02E13 Begin the Begin【SQ】

2015-08-31    01'53''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

1457 159

Fresh starts. Thanks to the calendar, they happen every year. Just set your watch to January. Our reward for surviving the holiday season is a new year. Bringing on the great tradition of New Year’s resolutions. Put your past behind you and start over.It’s hard to resist the chance at a new beginning. A chance to put the problems of last year to bed. 崭新的开始,感谢日历,让每一年都有新的开始,你只需要把手表调到一月。熬过假期的奖励,就是新年,带上传统的新年愿望,过去的就让它过去,开始新的生活吧。在一个新的开始,很难抵抗一个机会,一个将去年问题置之脑后的机会。 Who gets to determine when the old ends and the new begins? It’s not a day on a calendar. Not a birthday, not a new year. It’s an event, big or small, something that changes us. Ideally it gives us hope. A new way of living and looking at the world. Letting go of old habits, old memories. What’s important is that we never stop believing, we can have a new beginning. But it’s also important to remember that amid all the crap are a few things really worth holding on to. 谁能决定旧的结束和新的开始?这不是日历上的一天,不是生日,不是元旦。可以说大,可以说小,总有些东西会改变我们,理论上,它给我们希望,一种新的方式去生活和看待这个世界。让旧习惯离开,抛开旧的记忆。重要的是,我们永远不会失去信仰,我们有一个新的开始。但是同样重要的是在那些所谓的垃圾里面,有一些是你值得保留的。