S03E02 I Am a Tree【HQ】

S03E02 I Am a Tree【HQ】

2015-12-10    01'14''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

3024 194

At any given moment,the brain has 14 billion nervus firing at speed of 450 miles per hour.We don’t have control over most of them.When we get chill,goose bumps,When you get excited,adrenalin,the body naturally follows inpluse,which I think is part of we makes hard for us to control ourselves.Of course,sometimes we have impluses,we would rather not control that we later wish we had . 在任何时刻,我们的大脑细胞都在以每小时450公里的速度燃烧着。我们并不能完全控制它们。我们打冷战,鸡皮疙瘩,当你兴奋的时候,会分泌肾上腺素。身体会跟随你内心的冲动,我认为这对我们来说是很难控制的。当然,有时我们会冲动,我们不愿意控制它们但是不久之后我们多么希望我们控制了。 The body is slave to impluses.But the thing that makes us human is what we can control.After the storm,after the rush,after the heat of the moment has passed,we can cool off and clean off the messies we’ve made,We can try to let go of what was,and then again. 身体是冲动的奴隶,但是使我们为人的是我们对其的掌控。暴风雨过后,冲动过后,那一瞬的头脑发热过去了之后。。。我们就要平静下来,收拾好一切我们搞糟了的东西。我们可以试着放手,然后再一次。