S12E09 The Sound of Silence

S12E09 The Sound of Silence

2016-02-21    01'18''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

8189 190

In group studying, men are 75% more likely to speak up than women. And when a woman does speak up, it's statistically probable her, male counterparts will interrupt her or speak over her. It's not because they are rude, it's science. The female voice is scientifically proven to be more difficult for a male brain to register. What does this mean? It means in this world women are bigger, stronger, faster. If you're not ready to fight, the silence will kill you. 在小组学习中,男生发言的可能性比女性高75%,根据以往所统计的数据,当女性发言时她的男同学可能会插嘴或打断她。这并不是因为他们粗鲁,这是科学。科学证明,女人的声音更难于引起男人的重视,这意味着什么?这意味着在这个世界上女人正越来越强大、迅捷。如果你没有做好战斗的准备,沉默将会击溃你。 Don't let fear keep you quiet. You have a voice, so use it. Speak up, raise your hands, shout your answers, make yourself heard. Whatever it takes, just find your voice, and when you do, fill the damn silence. 别因为恐惧而缄默不言,你若可以说话,就充分利用它。大声说出来,举起手,说出你的答案,让自己听到。不要顾虑太多,勇于发声。每当你这样做时,也就弥补了那该死的沉默。