S12E08 Things We Lost in the Fire

S12E08 Things We Lost in the Fire

2016-02-16    00'51''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

3078 192

They say you fight fire with fire, we do it in medicine all the time. We cut you to repair your injury, we hurt you to heal you, we stoke the flames. But plating with fire is a dangerous game. 人们说以毒攻毒,在医学上我们总是这么做。割去坏掉的组织才能长出新的,我们在你身上动刀来治病,我们煽风点火。但是,玩火真的很危险。 When we strike that match, we like to think we can control the burn, we like to think we have any control at all. But fire is wildly difficult to contain, and just wen you think you've extinguished the blaze, it reignites. It sucks in air, and it burns hotter and brighter than ever. 当我们点燃火柴时,我们很想控制火的大小,我们以为自己能掌控一切。但是,火是无法控制的,当你觉得已经熄灭它时,它又重新燃烧起来。在空气中不断燃烧,变得更加炽热、明亮。