S03E05 Oh, the Guilt【HQ】

S03E05 Oh, the Guilt【HQ】

2015-12-25    01'12''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

4008 198

First,do no harm.As doctors,we pludged to live by this oath.But harm happens,and then guilt happens,and then there is no oath for how to deal with that.Guilt never goes anywhere on its own.It brings its friends doubt and insecurity. 首要原则,不要造成伤害。作为医生,我们保证以此誓言为生。但是伤害常常发生,接着就会内疚,不过没有誓言教我们如何解决这个问题。内疚是绝不会自己走的,它带给它的朋友们怀疑和不安。 First,do no harm. easier said than done,We can take all the othes in the world,but the fact is, most of us,do harm all the time. Sometimes even when we were trying to help, we do more harm than good. And then the guilt rears ugly head, what do you do with that guilt, is up to you. We are left to the choice, either let the guilt throw you back into the behaviour that got you intotrouble in the first place. Or learn from the guilt and do your best to move on. 首要原则,不要造成伤害。说起来容易做起来难。我们对世界承诺各种誓言,但是事实上,大多数人,一直都在造成伤害。甚至有些时候我们试图帮忙,却只会造成更大的伤害,然后负罪感又会出现。如何应对我们的负罪感,其实完全取决于自己。我们可以选择,或者让负罪感把我们重新带回让我们最初陷入麻烦的行为中去,或者,从负罪感中学习,尽自己努力向前看。