S12E16 When It Hurts So Bad

S12E16 When It Hurts So Bad

2016-04-14    00'57''

主播: 仨爪飞呐

3689 180

Don't be scared. I have no idea how many times I've said it. The intern stands over a patient with a scalpel or a needle or a clamp, afraid to make the first move. They're scared. They now what to do. But they just need that little push. 别害怕,不知道我说了多少遍。实习生拿着手术刀、针头、钳子站在病人面前,不敢下第一刀。他们害怕了,他们知道该做什么,但缺少一种推力。 Don't stop, don't hesitate. You can't be scared of what's next. Do not let fear get in your way. That's why we don't operate alone. There are attendings and nurses and interns. Those O.R.s are full of people. So, in the cases where someone actually does get hurt, nobody has to go through it alone. 莫停滞,莫踌躇,前路漫漫,休要惊慌。别让惊恐成为拦路虎。这是为什么我们不单独手术,手术室总是有主治医生、护士、实习生,人头攒动。所以,如果你真的受伤了,也不需要你一个人战斗。